Saturday Morning and UpEarly

on 3/1/13 8:10 pm - Danforth, ME

Good Morning OFF Ladies-


Well I'm up early this morning.  Have so many things to do and so little time so when I wake up, my brain comes on and I'm awake!  I know it will catch up with me soon.

I spent all day yesterday at the tertiary treatment area of the Beaumont Texas sewage treatment plant.  I can see your faces as you read this.  I was there to help band ducks for a research project into the transmission of diseases by migrating birds.  But I post this because it represents a person accomplishment for me.  Almost two years post surgery and I'm able to put on waders, boots and wander around outdoors with young people doing new things.  I'm able to bend over pick up ducks from a cage and quickly hand them to someone who is banding them!  Two years ago I would have been about to do that.  So I'm delighted with this and have to post it.

I've had about 20 pounds of regain this winter and I am frustrated about that but yesterday validated that the journey I started on was worth it!  Who would have imagined that at 57 I could muck around in the mud, holding ducks and enjoy a beautiful sunny day outdoors without worrying about backpain, not being able to fit into waders and having to sit down all the time to rest. 

I have also had a health scare this week.  I've been menopausal since 2009 without a period.  Wednesday I had a vaginal discharge of some sort, brown in color so I'm saying a "period".  I have a friend here in Texas who is undergoing chemo for endometrial cancer.  I immediately thought of that when I saw the pad.  So that's sitting in the back of my mind and you know what I want to do I want to eat those comfort foods.  I've got a doctors appointment with my friends GYN on Monday afternoon to see what's up.

The plan at the moment is to leave Texas on April 6 and head east to my Mom's .  Need to assess her vision issues and deal with some legal matters.  Then by the end of April I'm supposed to head to Maine.  But I'll remain flexible and hope for the best.  If I have to have a hysterectomy, then so be it.  Maybe they can also take off some of the excess skin that flaps around in the pool when I'm doing water fitness.

Well, that's all ladies.  Connie- hope you're getting stronger every day.  Annette R - hope your recovery is also going well.  Vickie- glad that Butch's doctor gave approval for knee surgery, that you flooring is almost done and that you're feeling better.  Judy- hope that you weren't buried in the most recent snow storm.  I know I'm leaving someone out so please forgive me.



Judy G.
on 3/1/13 9:44 pm - Galion, OH

Morning Cindi and OFF family to follow yet today....

Cindi I hope what you saw is nothing serious!!! Prayers being said for you!!! CONGRATS on your accompolishments with being a smaller woman!!! WOOOHOOO!!!! I also have gained over the winter and HATE what I have done AGAIN!!!!!!! It will come off slow but sure IF you follow the rules of the tool... :-) I know it is harder now but it CAN be done!!!!!!!! HUGS

We are getting some snow here not showing any on the radar but so far about 1/2 an inch!!!!!!! GRRRRRRR Cold here also!! 24* BRRRRRRRRRR Rick wanted to go see his aunt and uncle today but I am not sure if we will go or not as they are in the path of snow also. Maybe tomorrow?

Got my next pap test appointment all set for april 2nd at 11 am. She asked me if I was having any problems. None at all. But then I wasn't having any when they found the pre cancerous cells when I had my pap test before. OOOOOOK. So that is all taken care of. She also told me my medicaid will be cut off as I slipped through the system. Nice. But glad I had it for my blood test and xray on my wrist. The pap test will be covered under the grant fund. OK.

Rick's daughter agreed to be my friend again on FB yippeee. I see she is on her way to florida today to disney. Not sure how she can afford this trip and not have a place to live at home as she lost her place where she was living. Oh well not my place to worry. She is old enough. Last I heard she is living with Rick's mother. (house should be condemed). But like I said she is old enough now...hope she has fun.

Well better find some breakfast and see what we are going to do. I just don't feel up to traveling in this weather....I trust US driving its the OTHER idiots I don't!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


Connie D.
on 3/2/13 2:20 am

Hi careful if you do go this weekend to visit Rick's aunt. The weather can turn nasty pretty quickly.

So glad you made you doctor appointment for your pap test. I will be praying for good results.I had a hysterectomy at 28. I was sad but also so happy to never have to worry about that again!!

BEWARE of Rick's daughter....if she is friending you she is working her way into something. Next thing you know she will want an apartment there or MONEY. That is just how it always goes with her. I too would like to know how the hell she can afford Disneyland. Only two ways she could afford that and they are both illegal!!

Have a good rest of the day. Hoping your wrist is feeling better!

Love you....HUGS....connie d

on 3/1/13 11:29 pm - Bradenton, FL

Good Morning,

It looks gloomy here today. It is cold today too.

Judy I dont even go to Disney! To exspensive! That s a 300.00 day or more when we go! Just for a resident,  It cost  96.00 to get into one park, then you have food, and that isnt cheap and you cant bring in your own, Then souviniers! Its nuts ther have your ass there! But you can go to Downtown Disney for free! We have done that. They have street shows, Art shows and such. 

The attractions in Florida are very expensive! 

I think it is the glory of the sun!!!!!! beach! Palm trees!!!!!!! It attracts money!!!!!


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Judy G.
on 3/2/13 1:40 am - Galion, OH

I have no idea where she is headed and we don't care.....she is as bullheaded as they come and will not listen. She knows it all. Plus she has her mommy with her...another one that "knows" it all.


Connie D.
on 3/2/13 2:33 am

Hello dear Carla...I just can't picture Florida with cloudy days and cold temps. I too always think of sunshine, beaches and palm trees!!

I have been to Disneyland once with my then husband and my two daughters. The girls were in junior high and had a blast!!  They enjoyed Disneyland but really liked all the hot boys on the beach and around the pool!! It was a great time and tons of good memories!!!

It was expensive back then and I can't imagine how much it costs!!! Even the plane ride is so much more! Driving isn't really any cheaper because gas is so much higher.

Have a great day anyway...maybe the sun will come out later.

Love you...HUGS....connie d




annette R.
on 3/1/13 11:48 pm - ithaca, NY

Good morning Cindi & all to follow -

It is so neat to read about your duck banding. The research project sounds interesting but your ability to help is awesome.

Recovery is slow. I had to go for another lung scan and now have an appointment for lung biopsy.

My mood level is like quick silver. Most any little thing sets me off. Since it is Tom, the cats, the dogs and me - Tom catches Hell constantly.

The other night he made mention of how little I eat and my mouth exploded like a sailor. It is hard enough to get any food down without having to hear ANY comments. Saying it nicely didn't work but I do believe with the swearing, screaming and crying, he now understands how it impacts me.

I like to make mention of each person here but by the time I post, the brain can't pull out the information. Hugs to all - does that work?




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Judy G.
on 3/2/13 1:37 am - Galion, OH

((((((((ANNETTE)))))))) you can swear if it makes you feel better.... ;-) 


Connie D.
on 3/2/13 1:49 am

Sweet, sweet Annette...I am so sorry you are having to deal with all this now. I had a lung biopsy a few years ago. It wasn't so bad except my lung hurt for quite a while where they took the tissue from. I am always keeping you in my prayers and sending up special prayers as well!

Please feel free to call or PM me anytime....I mean that...I will let you vent as much and as often as you need!! I sure do enough of it!!

Much LOVE and loads of HUGS.....connie d




Karen S.
on 3/2/13 12:30 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha Cindi and OFF sisters extraordinaire!

Well, it's 6:20 a.m. here on Maui and still dark outside. I am dressed and ready to go to the hospital to screen all the babies born yesterday for hearing problems. Last week I had tons of babies! Eight or nine each day. Bumper crop of little ones being born on this little island.

Cindi hope the GYN finds nothing to worry about. I had a hysterectomy when I was in my 40's and it was nice to not have to worry about periods any longer. I also understand your joy at being able to do things you never could have done before WLS. Me, too. I don't even think about if I'm too fat to fit into chairs/booths/theater seats, airplane seats, etc. Thanks for reminding me to be thankful for those things.

My friend who died about a week or so ago will be put to rest in the ocean next Friday. There will be a beach service with Hawaiian music and then her ashes will be taken by outrigger canoe out into the bay and distributed with lots of flowers. This is so appropriate for her because she LOVED the Hawaiian traditions and her husband is out in the bay waiting for her.

OK.....I'm off to work. Big hugs to everyone who shared....I appreciate you all so much.

With so much aloha,


Maui Karen
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